Thursday, January 25, 2007

Book - Bono In Conversation (A–)

Bono In Conversation
Author: Mischka Assayas
Buy it

A pleasant surprise. I was afraid this book-length interview would turn into a self-congratulatory rambling session with a sycophantic journalist. However, Assayas keeps after Bono with tough and interesting questions and Bono responds in kind. The singer seems - by and large - candid and frequently insightful about his life and art. He holds back on some things, which is his prerogative, and can get on tangents about his great passion of the moment (Africa) but ultimately I found him an honest, fascinating, intelligent, and admirable fellow. I couldn't put it down.

Especially refreshing (and amusing) is the chapter devoted to Bono's theology ("Add Eternity to That"). As an Irishman, he has a penchant for dropping a few swear words into the discussion and that may be off-putting to some Christians. But he clearly points to Christ's sacrifice on the cross and God's grace as his only hope of salvation. He argues aut Deus aut homo malus
with Assayas. You don't hear that from too many rock stars.

Final score: A minus

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